Remembrance Day
Public Art in Newlands
The first phase of plans for public art in Waterlooville have taken a step forward after being given the go ahead by council officials. Winchester City Council’s cabinet member for business and culture, Cllr Lucille Thompson, approved phase one of the work that will take place in Newlands which falls within the city council’s administrative boundary over the next two years. It will be used to inform future phases, a report said. She approved a budget of up to £169,998 that has been generated from money paid by developers for the benefit of residents in the area, also known as Berewood, and that consultants Studio Response continue in the contract. Cllr Neil Cutler, chair of the West of Waterlooville forum, said he was pleased the management of the public art plan had returned to Winchester City Council because needs have changed over the last 12 years since it started. He said it was exciting for residents. This report outlines the renewed plan for public art in the West of Waterlooville and includes an overview of the work done to date,
Residents have been asked for their views on the plans for public art in Waterlooville
the findings of consultation, and vision and objectives for the next 10 years. The public art plan aims to include and involve and language with a sense of place. The strategy looked at three case studies of other projects that signpost words on buildings, pavements, even bus stops. The first phase will be centred around writing/storytelling and the power of words to connect people. The programme will feature two complementary strands of creative activity working together. The purpose of the scheme is to overcome geographic challenges and use art as a tool to bring people together. The community will be empowered to participate and have their say in a meaningful way. Studio Response will work with the recently-appointed community development manager at Grainger to amplify messaging and increase engagement with the plan moving forward. The project comes at a time when Havant Borough Council, which has administrative control over the majority for Waterlooville, is promoting an agenda of regeneration for the town.
New Build Primary Academy, West of Waterlooville
On Friday 6 September 2024, the University of Chichester Academy Trust launched a Statutory Consultation which focuses on the establishment of a new-build primary school in the West of Waterlooville. The primary school has been approved into pre-opening by the Department for Education and Hampshire County Council.
The school is proposed to open in September 2025. The school, when full, will provide primary education for up to 315 children aged between 4-11 years old, together with a specialist resource provision for 8 pupils with special education needs. The school will serve children and families in the West of Waterlooville locality.
As part of the process of opening a new school, The University of Chichester Academy Trust is legally required to hold a consultation exercise, under Section 10 of the Academies Act 2010, to determine whether the Trust should enter into a Funding Agreement with the Department for Education.
The Statutory Consultation gives us the opportunity to continue to seek the views of prospective parents, carers, pupils, local community members, other educators and stakeholders. You have received this letter as we believe you may be interested in this project and welcome hearing from you.
The consultation period will run from Friday 6 September 2024 until noon on Friday 18 October 2024.
You can read more about the Statutory Consultation at:
The University of Chichester Academy Trust will be holding two drop-in consultation events where you can find out more about the plans for the Academy.
The events will be taking place on:
25 September 2024, 1.30pm – 3.30pm, at Newlands Community Hall, Newlands Avenue, Waterlooville. PO7 3BX – and:
3 October 2024, 6pm – 8pm at Berewood Primary School, Kentidge Way, Waterlooville. PO7 3BE
We would be delighted to see you at one of the events if you are available, and please extend our welcome to anyone else you feel may have an interest in the new primary academy.
Also, as part of the Statutory Consultation, you are encouraged to feedback your views and opinion about the new school via the following channels:
1. The online questionnaire below .
2. By direct email through .
3. Or you can leave a message on telephone: 0345 548 2676.
Berewood Green Roadworks
Parking During Roadworks
Traffic Order – Darnel Road
The Parish Council has been notified by Hampshire Highways that the parking restrictions along Darnel Road advertised some weeks ago will be implemented next Monday, 21st October. We requested that this be delayed until the road was adopted and the factory units built but this has been refused.
Please make sure that any vehicles parked in areas which will be restricted under this Order are removed before Monday.
Current Phase Road Works
The next phase of the road works (Phase F, on the map) will start on Wednesday 28th August. These are the two sections of Painters Crescent. As this is primarily block paving it is expected to last 8 weeks.
Please ensure that all vehicles are removed by 7am as the roads will be closed first thing on Wednesday 28th.
Please make rubbish bins available for emptying as normal. Blanchard Wells will take bins and return them after they have been emptied.
For any issues with blocks of flats, or for any other issues to do with the above,
please email
or speak to
Darren Thornton (Blanchard Wells Liaison Officer) on 07934 140400